EURATOM Programmes

FP7 and H2020 Programmes
Projects coordinated in period 2014-2020

FISRAD – Organizing FISA and EuradWaste Conference under the Romanian Presidency of EU Council (2018-2019)
ARCADIA – Assessment of Regional CApabilities for new reactors Development through an Integrated Approach (2013-2016)
NEWLANCER – New MS Linking for an Advanced Cohesion in Euratom Research (2011-2013)

FP7 and H2020 Programmes
Participation as partener (2014-2020)

PATRICIA Partitioning And Transmuter Research Initiative in a Collaborative Innovation Action (2020-2024)
PREDIS PRE-DISposal management of radioactive waste (2020-2024)
ECC Smart Joint European Canadian Chinese development of Small Modular Reactor Technology (2020-2024)
ORIENT-NM Organisation of the European Research Community on Nuclear Materials (2020-2023)
PIACE Passive Isolation Condenser (2019-2022)
EURAD European Joint Programme on Radioactive Waste Management (2019-2022)
CHANCE Characterization of conditioned nuclear waste for its safe disposal in Europe (2017-2021)
GEMMA GEneration IV Materials Maturity (2017-2021)
MEACTOS Mitigating Environmentally Assisted Cracking Through Optimisation of Surface Condition (2017-2021)
TRANSAT TRANSversal Actions for Tritium (2017-2021)
CEBAMA Cement-based materials, properties, evolution, barrier functions (2015-2019)
FASTNET FAST Nuclear Emergency Tools (2015-2019)
CAST CArbon-14 Source Term (2013-2018)
ESNII PLUS Preparing ESNII for HORIZON 2020 (2013-2017)
MATISSE Materials’ Innovations for a Safe and Sustainable nuclear in Europe (2013-2017)
ASAPMSA_E Advanced Safety Assessment: Extended PSA (2013-2016)
EAGLE European Action towards Leading Centre for Innovative Materials (2013-2016)
MARISA MyrrhA Research Infrastructure Support Action (2013-2016)
PLATENSO Building a platform for enhanced societal research related to nuclear energy in Central and Eastern Europe (2013-2016)
NUGENIA+ (MICRIN+) Preparing NUGENIA for HORIZON2020 (Mitigation of Crack Initiation) (2013-2016)
MAXSIMA Methodology, Analysis and eXperiments for the “Safety In MYRRHA Assessment” (2012-2018)
MATTER MATerials TEsting and Rules (2011-2014)
SEARCH Safe ExploitAtion Related CHemistry for HLM reactors (2011-2014)

H2020 Programme
Participation as Associate Member (2014-2019)

JOPRAD Towards a Joint Programming on Radioactive Waste Disposal (2015-2017)


EERA JPNM (European Energy Research Alliance – Joint Projects for Nuclear Materials) in-kind projects

Design60+ Methodology for Design of Nuclear Components for 60 years 2018-2022 JRC Petten, Olanda
Taste+ Testing and ASsessment methodologies for material Characterization of fuel cladding TubEs in relevant environmental conditions 2018-2022 VTT, Finlanda
HEAFNA High entropy alloys for nuclear energy 2018-2022 KIT, Germania
WELLMET Welds’ manufacturing and characterization in heavy liquid metals 2016-2018 JRC Petten, Olanda
ALCORE Alumina forming steels for lead-cooled fast reactors 2016-2018 KIT, Germania
RESTRESS Assessment of residual stresses for nuclear components and its impact on weld integrity 2016-2018 ENEA, Italia

Platforms, Networks, EU Associations

Established in 2003, after the European Council called for a consolidation of the European Research Area, the European Technology Platforms were created to bring together technological know-how, industry entities, regulatory authorities and financial institutions, in order to develop strategic agendas for advanced technologies. RATEN is a member of the most relevant European structures dedicated to nuclear energy.

Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform (SNETP)
Implementing Geological Disposal of radioactive waste Technology Platform (IGD-TP)
Nuclear Generation II & III Assotiation
European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) – Joint Programme on Nuclear Materials (JPNM)
European Technical Safety Organisation Network (ETSON)
The European Network on Neutron Techniques Standardization for Structural Integrity – NeT, coordonată de Joint Research Center